Workshop Experimental Thyroid Research Hamburg, December 06 - 08 2007
Conception: The workshop is addressed to young scientists working in the field of experimental and clinical basic research of the thyroid and thyroid diseases. The event shall serve as a forum to present and discuss the current scientific research projects. The very informal character of the workshop will even allow to present research projects that are not completed yet and discuss the preliminary results stress-free with experienced scientists. To encourage these purposes, the hosts of the event are trying to recompense the travel- and/or lodging-expenses, although no main sponsor could be found for this event.
History: The AESF workshop was established in 1985. It developed to a very successfull event which is frequently visited by colleagues from Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Great Britain and Austria. The number of participants diversifies between 60 to 100 participants. You are cordially invited and encouraged to present your research work -even if it is not completed yet-, if you are < 35 years old, in a short presentation/speech of 15 minutes (including discussion). We expect a title (English with author) until November 10. Since we expect european guests, we recommend to prepare the presentation in English.
You will find the complete agenda of the event (in German) here.